• realizing a real change and development for each of our customers
  • be a reference partner for companies in the European Union that look to the Chinese market
  • and for Chinese companies wishing to invest in Europe and in Italy

Our values are

  • each of our customers must succeed, if we want to succeed
  • make the difference for each of our customers
  • work very hard to make customers enthusiastic about the work we do for them
  • exceed customer expectations
  • provide real value in all the work we do
  • be flexible, innovative and reactive
  • team up
  • share solutions
  • focus on continuous improvement

Our markets


• Italy is a member of the European Union since its foundation in 1957, with significant opportunities for expanding businesses. A market of 60 million consumers with a GDP ranking fourth in Europe

• due to its geographic conformation, Italy is a natural hub for road, sea and air connections between North and South Europe

• Italy can easily reach over 750 million consumers in European countries (of which 505 million in the European Union) and over 600 million in North Africa and the Middle East

• as a member country, with a registered office, from Italy it is possible to do business in all 28 EU countries, without many administrative, customs, bureaucratic and customs restrictions


  • • China is the most populous nation in the world, the Chinese make up 22% of the world’s population

it’s a market of enormous dimensions in continuous growth even if with linguistic, bureaucratic and organizational difficulties and important costs to be incurred in order to achieve a significant commercial presence

• in the last thirty years the Chinese economy has experienced a real economic boom, the country has become the second world economy, where millions of citizens have emerged from poverty and others are now part of the middle class

• this social category is made up of entrepreneurs or professionals who have an adequate education and who earn between 10,000 and 60,000 $ a year

• according to this parameter, some 300 million Chinese are part of the Chinese middle class, about 25% of the population of the country, slightly less than the entire US population

• Chinese GDP is second only to that of the United States and higher than that of Japan and Germany

• the impressive “One Belt One Road” project, launched by the Chinese Government, will make the country the biggest commercial hub for trade relations between Europe and Asia

• in this context, through its on-site offices, SBS Consulting Group received a mandate from the Sichuan Post-Disaster Reconstruction Foundation to organize contacts with SMEs and prepare a series of initiatives to promote the Italian Commercial Platform in Italy. of Europe-Sichuan products with funding from the Chengyi Huaxia Bank Special Fund (see details on this website)


• India is the seventh nation by geographical extension to the world and the second most populated, with 1.3 billion inhabitants
• while still suffering from high levels of poverty and strong social inequality, India is in 12th place among the world economies and the fourth in terms of purchasing power
• country included in the c.d. BRICS (the 5 countries with the highest and fastest growth rate in the world) India is a federal state, a pluralistic multi-party parliamentary democracy
• in recent years, in virtue of the fact that most of its inhabitants speak fluent English, the country has become a developer and exporter of high-level software and a global pole of outsourcing of technological and managerial services for multinational companies
• albeit with a certain downturn, Indian GDP continues to grow and drive development, in addition to information technology and real services to businesses, are the telecommunications and aerospace, automotive and film sectors (India is the world leader in film production), biotechnology.
• agriculture remains, however, the sector with the greatest weight in the national economy, with just under 50% employed in this sector.
• for this reason the exportation to the country of technologies and processes related to the development of agricultural crops, the green economy, and the protection of the ecosystem and water in general has important prospects
Make India and the other 5 multi-annual programs recently introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government to definitively bring India into the future, among the first countries in the world, aim, among other things, to generate confidence in foreign investors and to promote commercial interchange
it is in this context that we place our greatest effort to promote import – export between Italy and India, carried out mainly by our partner, Mrs. Sharmila Oswal (see details on this website)